4.1 Adding a new Subscription

This topic describes the systematic instructions to add a new subscription.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. From Home screen, click Event Delivery. Under Event Delivery, click Maintenance.
  2. Click + New Subscription to add a new subscription. The Maintenance screen with added subscription appears.
    The Maintenance screen displays the products related to events publishing and subscriptions. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 4-3 Maintenance - Field Description

    Field Description
    Product Name Displays the name of the product.
    Event Name Displays name of the event published under the selected internal product.
    Event Description Displays description of the event published under the selected internal product.
    Topic Name Displays name of the topic of the event subscribed under the selected external product.
  3. Perform the following actions for the events published.
    1. Click Edit icon to edit the subscribed event.
    2. Click Delete icon to delete the subscribed event.
    3. Click

      icon to search the existing subscribed events under the external product.
  4. To map the Endpoints in OBRH, navigate to the OBRH maintenance screen, and add your corresponding Service providers and Consumer Service. The added Consumer Service is available in the ‘Consumer Service‘ dropdown while setting up Map Endpoints screen of new subscription.


    Refer to the Routing Hub Configuration User Guide to know more about the Service Providers and Consumer Service.
  5. In the New Subscription screen, click on the icon to map the Endpoints in OBRH by subscribing to a new Event. The Map Endpoint overlay screen appears with the EDP is added as a Service Consumer.
    The Map Endpoints overlay screen appears.

    Figure 4-4 Map Endpoints for Event Subscription

    Table 4-4 Map Endpoints for Event Subscription - Field Description

    Field Description
    Subscriber Product Name Displays the name of the subscribed external product.
    Publisher Product Name Displays name of the publisher internal product.
    Event Name Displays name of the event under the product.
    Event Description Displays description of the event subscribed under the selected external product.
    Service Consumer Displays name of the service consumer.
    Consumer Service Select the consumer service as setup in the OBRH from the drop-down list.
  6. Click Subscribe to subscribe the event for external product.
    The success message of event subscribed appears.