1 Overview

Events Delivery Platform or EDP is an events subscription and routing platform. Any product which publishes events on the configured kafka topics used by Oracle Banking products can onboard itself to the EDP platform and publish the list of events it wants other products to consume.

Any product interested in consuming the events from any published topic can subscribe to that event. Once the subscription is done, a consumer is registered dynamically and starts listening to that topic.

The Publisher products are Oracle Banking products and are called Internal Products while the products which subscribe to the published events are called External Products. A topic can be subscribed to by multiple external products.

An event when produced by a publisher is consumed by the EDP service and passed on to the OBRH (Oracle Banking Routing Hub) via dispatch API for further routing to all the consumers who have subscribed to that event. To enable routing through OBRH a ‘Service Consumers’ named EDP is provided out of the box in OBRH. The external product which needs to subscribe to the events published by internal products should configure its ‘Consumer Service’ has the host API details under the EDP ‘Service Consumer’. The list of all the services configured under EDP will come as dropdown values while subscribing for an event. After the successful subscription, the external products start listening to the events published on that topic.

There is also the Audits screen where we can see the events consumed by the external products. There is a whole range of filters to narrow down the search to messages of interest.

Figure 1-1 Architectural Diagram