4.1.2 Annotator

This topic describes the information about the annotator.

Annotation is the process of identifying information within a documented content and tagging them as a specific type of information. Each use case defined, have their own relevant maintained list of tags/entities, which is used to annotate source documents for a use case. Annotator

This topic describes the systematic instructions to perform the annotations on a source document for a use case.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, click Machine Learning. Under Machine Learning, click NLP Toolkit.
  2. Under NLP Toolkit, click Annotator.
    The Annotator screen displays.
  3. Specify the fields on Annotator screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 4-3 Annotator – Field Description

    Field Description
    Action Type Select the action type.
    The available options are:
    • Create New Annotated File
    • Edit Created Annotated File
    Source File Definition Select the source document from local windows explorer based on the Action Type selected.
    Document Type Displays the list of all the use cases defined under use case definition.
    Get Labels Displays the maintained Tags/entities for the selected Document Type.
    Create Annotated File Once annotations of all the Tags are completed, this performs two outcomes as below,
    • Create annotated text file in the defined NER train path as maintained under use case definition.
    • Create text file in the defined DOC train path as maintained under use case definition.

Annotate the Source Files:

  1. Select the Action Type as Create New Annotated File.
  2. Select the Document Type from drop-down list.
  3. Click Select File button next to Source File field.
    The Windows Explorer popup screen displays.
  4. Navigate and select the source document to be annotated.
    The Original File section displays the source document and the Text Form section displays the text version of the document.
  5. Click Get Labels.
    The Annotations section displays all the maintained tags for the selected Document Type.

    Figure 4-5 Annotator - List of Tags

  6. Identify and select the information within the Text Form section.
  7. Right-click to display the list of tags.

    Figure 4-6 Annotator - Select Annotation Label

  8. Select the relevant tag.
    The Annotations section displays the information under Tag Name and Tag Value fields.

    Figure 4-7 Annotator - Annotations

  9. Repeat the above steps for all the displayed tags as per availability of information in the source document.
  10. Select a Tag Name from the Annotations section and Right-click to delete the Tag Value.
  11. Once all the tags are assigned the relevant information, click Create Training File to create the annotated file and end the process. Edit Annotated File

This topic describes the systematic instructions to Edit the annotations on a source document for a use case.

  1. On Home screen, click Machine Learning. Under Machine Learning, click NLP Toolkit.
  2. Under NLP Toolkit, click Annotator.
  3. Select the Action Type as Edit Annotated File.
    The Edit Annotated File screen displays.
  4. Select the Document Type from drop-down list and Click Get Lables.
    The Annotations screen displays.

    Figure 4-9 Edit Annotated File - Annotations

  5. Click Select File button next to Source File field.
    The popup screen displays.

    Figure 4-10 Edit Annotated File - Select File Popup

  6. Navigate and select the source document to be annotated.
    The Original File section displays the source document and the Text Form section displays the text version of the document.

    Figure 4-11 Edit Annotated File - Text Form

  7. Identify and select the information within the Text Form section to edit the original value.
  8. Right-click to display the list of tags.

    Figure 4-12 Edit Annotated File - Select Annotation Label

  9. Select the relevant tag.
    The Annotations section displays the information under Tag Name and Tag Value fields.

    Figure 4-13 Edit Annotated File - Annotations

  10. Click on Update Training File to save Edit Annotated File successfully.