3.3 Strategy Configuration

This topic describes the information about the strategy configuration for Decision service.

Decision service is used for multiple purposes such as borrowing capacity, borrowing capacity plus pricing, only pricing, only decision, logical plus decision, etc. System should have an ability to configure the strategy like when the decision service is being called for borrowing capacity, should the request pass through the logical check. In addition, the product processor can configure different strategies for different product types or customer types. Strategy configuration allows the product processor to configure the strategy as per its requirements for all the modes for which decision service can be called. Separate strategy can be defined for origination, servicing or collection. In addition, multiple strategy can be defined for the same module like for origination, that is, multiple strategy can be defined. This maintenance allows the product processor to configure the strategy according to its need for all the modes for which the decision service can be called for.

The various request types using which the product processor can call the decision service are mentioned below:
  • Score, Decision, and Pricing
  • Score and Decision
  • Scores
  • Pricing and Borrowing Capacity
  • Pricing
  • Borrowing Capacity
  • Decision
  • Qualitative Score
  • Quantitative Score