4.1 Creating an Oracle Banking Cloud Service User in IAM

This topic provides the instructions to create the oracle banking cloud service user in IAM.

  1. Sign In to the IAM instance using Admin User.
  2. From the Menu, Click Identity & Security. In Identity & Security, Click Domains.
    The Identify & Security screen displays.
  3. Select the correct compartment from the compartment drop-down.
    The Compartment screen displays.
  4. Click on the Create domain in which the user should be created.
  5. On the Domain Overview page, click on “Users” from the left menu.

    Figure 4-4 Domain Overview Page

  6. Click Create User.
    The Create User screen displays.
  7. Specify the required details to fields.
    The environments available are shown as groups. Select each environment/group to which access is required for the user.


    Make sure the email address here matches the email address set in the Oracle Banking Cloud Service user.
  8. Click Create to create the user in IAM.
    You will need to view the user and click on Reset Password after user creation so that the user receives an email with the option of resetting the password.