4 Users and Access Privileges

This topic provides the information about the Users and Access Privileges.

After you sign in to your Oracle Banking Cloud Account, one of your first tasks is to create additional account users. For example, you can create a user for each member of your team. Each team member can then sign in to the account with their own credentials. You can also assign each user to specific user groups and apply specific security policies or roles to each group.

If the users you create will be using the services available from the Infrastructure Console, then you can use the Infrastructure Console to create your additional users.

Oracle Banking Cloud Service member services users are assigned roles through which they gain access to application functions and data. Users can have any number of roles.

  1. Sign In to the Application URL of the environment for which users are to be created
  2. From Home screen, click Users. Under Users, click Create User.
    The Create User screen displayed.


    In case of a single entity setup, there will be only one mapping to DEFAULTENTITY whereas in case of multi-entity setup, a single user can be mapped to multiple entities. At least, one entity must be marked as default home entity. User will login with default home entity in case of multiple entities.
  3. specify the details on Create User screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 4-1 Create User – Field Description

    Field Description
    User Id Specify the user Id.
    User Name Specify the username.
    Locale Specify the user locale.
    Email ID Specify the user email ID.
    Start Date Select the user start date. The start date of the user should greater than the Current HO Branch Posting Date.
    End Date Select the user end date.
    Entity Mapping Click + to add a row and provide the required details.
    Entity Id Click Search and select the entity to which the user belongs.
    Home Entity Select whether the entity is user’s home entity. Only one entity can be selected as Home Entity for a user.
    Entity Admin

    Select whether the user is an entity admin of the entity. Marking a user as Entity Admin will give rights to the user to perform the following actions when logged in to that entity.

    Modify the details of the users in the entity.
    • Create branches in the entity
    • Create roles in the entity.
    • Assign the roles and branches to the users.
  4. Click Save.
    The user created above will be termed as an Entity Admin User in the context of Oracle Banking Cloud Services.
  5. The Entity Admin User now must get created in IAM as well. Please follow the steps in Creating an Oracle Banking Cloud Service User in IAM in IAM section.
  6. Login to the Application URL using the Entity Admin Login Credentials.
    Refer to the Create User section of the Oracle Banking Security Management System User Guide to create users for the logged-in Entity.


    The Created Users must be replicated now must now be replicated in IAM. Please follow the steps mentioned in Creating an Oracle Banking Cloud Service User in IAM in IAM section.