1.6 Search

Search menu enables the user to search for the task(s) with the following filters. Search will fetch the results either with one filter criteria or with multiple filter criteria.

  • Application Number
  • Customer Name
  • Branch Name
  • Tasks
  • Priority
  • Process and Stage
  • Entity Type
  • Amount
Following actions can be performed on the tasks listed in the task list:
  1. Acquire and Edit - Click Acquire and Edit to acquire and edit the task.
  2. Flow Diagram - Enables the user to view the process flow of the selected task, find the stages completed and the current stage highlighted in the process flow.
  3. Audit – Click Audit to view the task history.
  4. Resume - Select the task and click Resume to move the task to My Tasks menu and edit
  5. Edit – Click Edit to edit the selected task.
  6. Release - Click Release to release the selected task from My Tasks to Free Tasks menu
  7. View – Click View to view the task in read only mode