2.3.3 Aborted Migration

An aborted migration stops the process of migration instantly and no further actions are executed in the data migration process. A report can be generated for an aborted migration from Completed migration screen.

While a data migration is in-progress, the migration can be aborted during Staging, Business Validation, and Domain Migration stages. An aborted migration will be available in the Completed migration tab on the Migration Dashboard.

  1. On the homepage, click Party Services. Under Party Services, click Data Migration.
  2. Under Data Migration, click Migration Dashboard.
  3. On the Migration Dashboard screen, click In Progress tab to view in-progress migration.
  4. Click Migration ID hyperlink.
  5. On the Monitor screen, click Abort button.
    The Alert pop-up screen is displayed.
  6. On the Alert pop-up screen, click Yes to abort the migration process.


    A migrated process once aborted cannot be resumed post Abort.
After confirmation, the user will be prompted with a confirmation message and the status of the migration process will be updated as aborted in the Monitor screen.

Figure 2-9 Monitor - Aborted Migration