2.4 Migration Cleanup

Migration Cleanup provides an ability to cleanup history of migrated data from the database tables. The data migration cleanup feature can permanently delete the previously migrated data from staging, domain, and history tables.

  1. On the homepage, click Party Services. Under Party Services, click Data Migration.
  2. Under Data Migration, click Migration Cleanup.
    The Migration Cleanup screen is displayed.
    The list of completed migrations can be filtered using the following parameters:
    • Time Period
    • Migration ID
    • Domain
    • Migration Event
    • Status

To initiate migration cleanup

  1. Under Cleanup Action column, click Three dotsfor the cleanup menu.
  2. Select any one of the option to perform cleanup activity.
    The Alert pop-up screen is displayed.
  3. On the Alert pop-up screen, click Yes to confirm cleanup.
On confirmation, previously migrated data will be deleted from the respective staging, domain, and history tables.


Staging, domain, and history tables can be cleaned up in any order. However, if staging table is cleaned up before domain and history tables, specific cleanup based on migration id will not be possible.