B Audit Tables

Data migration audit tables are used to record and track critical information regarding the data migration process. These tables serve as a comprehensive log, capturing key details, events, and changes that occur during the migration. This tables provide visibility, accountability, and a detailed history of the data migration process, serving both operational and compliance needs.

The usage of data migration audit tables includes:
  • Logging Changes: Audit tables document alterations, updates, and modifications made to the data during the migration process. This is will maintain a historical record of changes.
  • Error Tracking: Any errors or issues encountered during the data migration are logged in these tables. This facilitates the identification and resolution of issues, contributing to a more robust and error-tolerant migration process.
  • Compliance and Governance: For regulatory compliance and governance purposes, the data migration audit tables help in ensuring that the migration adheres to specified standards and guidelines.
  • User Activity Tracking: The tables track user activities related to the data migration, offering transparency into who initiated the migration, when it occurred, and the actions taken.
  • Data Integrity: By maintaining a log of every step and change made during the migration, Audit tables contribute to ensuring the integrity of the migrated data.
  • Reconciliation: During and after the migration, the tables can be used for reconciliation purposes, comparing the source and target data to verify that the migration was accurate and complete.
For audit table structure, refer to the below tables:

Table B-1 Entity Audit Master Table

Column Name Column Description Data Type Index

Unique ID for all the stages

Table will have one row per stage

Number (38,0) PK
Job_Name Job Name for Stage Varchar2(200)  
Job_Status Job Status for Stage

Possible values PROCESS_NOT_STARTED = 0





Stage_Id Column for identification of the stage Number (38)  
Entity_Name Payload Data to capture Varchar2(128)  
Service_Name Payload Data to capture Varchar2(20)  
Remarks Comments Varchar2(2000)  
File_Path Payload Data to capture Varchar2(2000)  
File_Name Payload Data to capture Varchar2(2000)  
User_Id User ID Varchar2(128)  
Job_Start_Time Start time of the Stage Date  
Job_End_Time End time of the Stage Date  
Total_No_Of_Records Total Number or records Number (38)  
Total_No_Of_Records_Success Total number of records successfully processed Number (38)  
Total_No_Of_Records_Skipped Total number of records skipped Number (38)  
Total_No_Of_Records_Val_Failed Total number of records failed Number (38)  
Error_Code If any failure in Stage, this column will be updated with the error code Varchar2(2000)  

Table B-2 Entity Audit Child Table

Column Name Column Description Data Type Index
ID Unique ID for the domain   PK
PARTY_NAME Sub domain VARCHAR2(1000)  
PRINCIPAL Domain Cols VARCHAR2(1000)  
AMOUNT Domain Cols VARCHAR2(1000)  
TOTAL_AMOUNT Domain Cols VARCHAR2(1000)  
PARTY_DESC Domain Cols VARCHAR2(1000)  
STG1_AUDIT_ID Audit Id of Stage1 NUMBER (38)  
STG1_PROCESS_RESULT Status of the Stage1 NUMBER (1)  
STG1_ERROR_CODE If any failure in Stage1 this column will be updated with the error code

Possible values PROCESS_NOT_STARTED = 0





STG2_AUDIT_ID Audit Id of Stage2 NUMBER (38)  
STG2_PROCESS_RESULT Status of the Stage2 NUMBER (1)  
STG2_ERROR_CODE If any failure in Stage2 this column will be updated with the error code VARCHAR2(4000)  
STG3_AUDIT_ID Audit Id of Stage3 NUMBER (38)  
STG3_PROCESS_RESULT Status of the Stage3 NUMBER (1)  
STG3_ERROR_CODE If any failure in Stage3 this column will be updated with the error code VARCHAR2(4000)  
STG4_AUDIT_ID Audit Id of Stage4 NUMBER (38)  
STG4_PROCESS_RESULT Status of the Stage4 NUMBER (1)  
STG4_ERROR_CODE If any failure in Stage4 this column will be updated with the error code VARCHAR2(4000)  
STG5_AUDIT_ID Audit Id of Stage5 NUMBER (38)  
STG5_PROCESS_RESULT Status of the Stage5 NUMBER (1)  
STG5_ERROR_CODE If any failure in Stage5 this column will be updated with the error code VARCHAR2(4000)  
STG6_AUDIT_ID Audit Id of Stage6 NUMBER (38)  
STG6_PROCESS_RESULT Status of the Stage6 NUMBER (1)  
STG6_ERROR_CODE If any failure in Stage6 this column will be updated with the error code VARCHAR2(4000)