C Troubleshooting Errors and FAQ’s

If any error encountered while triggering API from the UI, the following checks can be performed:
  • The functional activity codes needs to be mapped to the respective user role. This can be validated by FA - Role Mapping UI screen.
  • The Plato-dataload-migration framework is registered on Eureka discovery service, and api-gateway is redirecting the requests to the plato-dataload-migration framework module.

    Figure C-1 Plato Dataload Migration Framework

  • Check to validate if SMS module returns the RBAC response as successful for the API for the logged in user.

    Figure C-2 SMS Module - RBAC Response

Any errors in file upload might be due to errors in file-store or file-stream uploads. The following logs can be monitored for the same.

Figure C-3 File Upload - Error Log 1

Figure C-4 File Upload - Error Log 2

The number of failed records details can be viewed from Monitor screen, based on migration ID.