2.1 File Upload

The file upload process facilitates users in submitting flat files containing pre-filled data to initiate the migration process. Flat files are specific to domain and migration event, such as Party (OBPY) and Party Information, or Party Relationship Information. This streamlined approach ensures a seamless and accurate transfer of information during the data migration.

To initiate file upload:
  1. On the homepage, click Party Services. Under Party Services, click Data Migration.
  2. Under Data Migration, click File Upload.
    The File Upload screen is displayed.
    The File Upload screen allows users to:
    • Upload File - To upload a new file.
    • View File - To view previously uploaded files.

Upload File

  1. Select the operation type as Upload File from the drop-down values.
  2. Select domain as Party to upload party files.
  3. Select migration event from the drop-down values. The available options are:
    • Party Information
    • Party Account Information
    • Relationship Information
  4. Click Add Files to select text files to be uploaded as per the migration flat file formats and provide comments if any.


    Refer to the Flat File Formats for migration flat file details. Migration files are supported as .txt format with ~| (Tilde pipe) separated value.
  5. Click Upload to initiate the upload process.


    • Once the file upload is successful, go to Migration Dashboard to Initiate Migration and Monitor Migration process and the following details are available:

      Table 2-4 Details of Uploaded Files

      Field Description
      File Name Displays the name of the uploaded file for migration.
      Progress Displays the progress of the file upload through a progress bar and percentage completion.
      File Size Displays the size of the uploaded file.
      Files Last Modified Displays the data and time of last modification of the uploaded file.
      Action Click Delete icon to delete a file.
    • If a file upload fails, the user has the option to re-initiate the upload of the same file. However, in the event of a successful file upload, the system will not allow for the re-upload of the same files.
    • In case of a multiple file upload, if the upload process fails for any of the files, the user has an option to re-upload specific files. However, files that have been successfully uploaded cannot be re-uploaded.