2.1.1 View File

The View File is to view previously uploaded migration flat files.

To view previously uploaded migration flat files:
  1. Select operation type as View Files from the drop-down values.
  2. Select time period to see previously uploaded files within specific period from the drop-down values.
  3. Select domain as OBPY for party files upload.
  4. Select migration event from the drop-down values. The available options are:
    • Party Information
    • Party Account Information
    • Party Relationship Information
  5. Select status from the drop-down values.


    • The files as per selected parameters will be available in the list with the status and other details.


    • Once the upload is successful, the following details are available:

      Table 2-5 Details of Uploaded Files

      Field Description
      Domain Displays the domain of migration.
      Migration Event Displays the event of migration (Party Information, party Relationship Information).
      File Name Displays the name of file uploaded for the migration.
      Status Displays the status of file upload (In-progress, Completed, Failed).
      File Size Displays the size of the uploaded file.
      Files Last Modified Displays the date and time of last modification of the uploaded file.
    • View files will display only the files uploaded but not initiated for migration. For more information on the initiation of migration, refer to the Initiate Migration.