

This guide provides details of data migration utility with step-by-step process to complete data migration activity in Oracle Banking.


The guide is intended for the Bankers responsible data migration during the implementation process.


The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning


Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.


Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.


Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Screenshot Disclaimer

Information used in the interface or documents are dummy, it does not exist in real world, and its only for reference purpose.

Acronyms and Abbreviations

The following acronyms and abbreviations are used in this guide:

Table -1 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym/Abbreviation Description
API Application Programming Interface
KYC Know Your Customer
UI User Interface

Basic Actions

Most of the screens contain icons to perform all or a few of the basic actions. The actions which are called here are generic, and it varies based on the usage and the applicability. The table below gives a snapshot of them:

Table -2 Common Icons and its Definitions

Action Description

On click of Submit, the checklists applicable for the stage will be defaulted based on the application category. On verifying all the checklist and on selection of the outcome, the task will be submitted. The following options are available for ‘Outcome’:

  • Proceed – Move the task to next stage or complete the onboarding process in Approval stage. User can select this option in the Initiation, Enrichment, Review, Recommendation, and Approval stages.
  • Approve – The onboarding process is approved. User can select this option in KYC stage.
  • Reject – The onboarding process is rejected. User can select this option in KYC and Approval stages.
  • Additional Info – The task is moved back to the Manual retry queue for further. User can select this option in Review and Approval stages.
Post On click of Post, the system posts the comments below the Comments text box.
Cancel On click of Cancel, the system will ask for confirmation and on confirming the task will be closed without saving the data.
Hold On click of Hold, the captured details will be saved, and the task status will be suspended and will be available in the Hold queue. This option is used, if there are any pending information to be captured. If mandatory fields have not been captured, system will display error until the mandatory fields have been captured.
Next On click of Next, the details of the captured will be saved and then system will move to the next screen. If mandatory fields have not been captured, system will display error until the mandatory fields have been captured. If mandatory fields have not been captured, system will display error until the mandatory fields have been captured.
Back On click of Back, the details of the captured will be saved and then system will move to the previous screen.
Save & Close On click of Save & Close, the captured details will be saved. If mandatory fields have not been captured, system will display error until the mandatory fields are captured.

Symbols and Icons

The following are the symbols you are likely to find in this guide:

Table -3 List of Symbols

Symbol Function
Add icon Add icon
Edit icon Edit icon
Delete icon Delete icon
Calendar icon Calendar icon
Close icon Close icon