Creating Work Manager in WebSphere Application Server

  1. Open the WebSphere admin console in the browser window: http://<ipaddress>:<administrative console port>/ibm/console. (https if SSL is enabled). The Login window is displayed.

    Figure 8-1 IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console window

    This image displays the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console window.

  2. Login with the User ID that has Admin rights.

    Figure 8-2 WebSphere Homepage

    This image displays the WebSphere Homepage.

  3. From the LHS menu, expand Resources and Asynchronous beans and then, select Work Managers.

    Figure 8-3 WebSphere Homepage Work Managers option

    This image displays the WebSphere Homepage Work Managers option.

  4. Select the required Scope from the drop-down list.
    For example, Node=whf00aqnNode01, Server=server1.
  5. Click New in the Preferences section.

    Figure 8-4 Work Managers Configuration page

    This image displays the Work Managers Configuration page.

  6. Enter the Name as ‘wm’ and JNDI name as ‘wm/WorkManager ‘ in the respective fields.
  7. Enter the Thread pool properties.
  8. Click Apply.

    Figure 8-5 Work Managers Configuration page

    This image displays the Work Managers Configuration page.

  9. Click Save.

    Figure 8-6 Work Managers Configuration page

    This image displays the Work Managers Configuration page.

    After creating work manager successfully, you have to map it to OFSAA instance.