Mapping Work Manager to OFSAA WebSphere Instance

  1. From the LHS menu, expand Applications > Application Types and select WebSphere Enterprise Applications.

    Figure 8-7 Work Managers Configuration page

    This image displays the Work Managers Configuration page.

  2. Click OFSAAI instance hyperlink.

    Figure 8-8 Enterprise Applications page

    This image displays the Enterprise Applications page.

  3. Click Resource references link under References section.

    Figure 8-9 Enterprise Applications page for Resource reference configuration

    This image displays the Enterprise Applications page for Resource reference configuration.

  4. Click Browse corresponding to the Work Manager Resource Reference. The available resources are displayed.

    Figure 8-10 Enterprise Applications page for Available reference configuration

    This image displays the Enterprise Applications page for Available reference configuration.

  5. Select the newly created Work Manager (‘wm’) and click Apply.

    Figure 8-11 Enterprise Applications page for Resource reference configuration

    This image displays the Enterprise Applications page for Resource reference configuration.

  6. Select the Work Manager (‘wm/WorkManager’) and click OK.

    Figure 8-12 Enterprise Applications page.

    Enterprise Applications page This image displays the Enterprise Applications page.

  7. Click Save.

    Figure 8-13 Enterprise Applications page

    This image displays the Enterprise Applications page.