4.3.5 Checking the Execution Status

The Batch Execution status can be monitored through the Batch Monitor window of the OFSAAI Operations module.

The status messages in the Batch Monitor are:

  • N: Not Started
  • O: On Going
  • F: Failure
  • S: Success

The ICC Execution log can be accessed on the application server in the directory


Sample Path: /dbfiles/home/oracle/OFSAAI/ficdb/log/ficgen

The file name will have the Batch Execution ID.

The detailed SCD component log can be accessed on the application server under <ftp-share>/<infodom name>/logs.

The file name will have the Batch Execution ID.

Sample Path: /dbfiles/home/oracle/ftpshare/OFSAADEMO/logs

Check the .profile file in the installation home if you are not able to find the paths mentioned earlier.