4.3.4 Executing the SCD Component

You can execute the function from the Operations Framework module of OFSAAI.
Define a new Batch and an underlying Task definition from the Batch Maintenance window of OFSAAI. For more information on defining a new Batch, see the How to Define a Batch section.
To define a new task for a Batch definition, follow these steps:
  1. Select the checkbox adjacent to the newly created Batch Name in the Batch Maintenance window.
  2. Click Add (+) from the Task Details grid. The Task Definition window is displayed. Enter the Task ID and Description.
  3. Select Run Executable from the Run Executable drop-down list.
  4. Select the following from the Dynamic Parameters drop-down list:
    Executable: scd,<map_ref_num>
    For example, scd, 125.
    A third optional parameter (N or Y) passed during SCD execution (like SCD,<map_ref_no>,<N/Y>) determines if a soft delete should be executed on for old records. The default parameter value is 'N'. For example, if the records are not part of the STG tables and SCD is executed with a parameter 'Y', then the older records in the DIM table will get soft deleted by setting the LRI indicator to 'N'.
    Use the following table to identify the map_ref_num to be used, while executing the SCD Process.

    Table 4-10 Entries to identify the map_ref_num to be used, while executing the SCD Process

    map_ref_num Target Table that will be updated
    126 DIM_ORG_UNIT
    -1 <for all entries>
    • Wait: When the file is being executed, you can either wait until the execution is complete or proceed with the next task. Select the checkbox for Yes or No. Click Yes to wait for the execution to be complete. Click No to proceed with the next task.
    • Batch Parameter: Select Y. (upper case required).
  5. Click Save. The Task definition is saved for the selected Batch.
  6. Execute the Batch.
    You can execute a Batch definition from the Batch Execution window of an OFSAAI Operations module.
    You cannot execute the SCD Process from the Simplified Batch window.