3.2 End to End ALM BI Data Movement Process

The following flowchart illustrates the end to end ALMBI Data Movement Process:

Figure 3-1 ALMBI Data Movement Process

This image displays the ALMBI Data Movement Process.

The end-to-end Data Movement Process is typically managed through the execution of one or more Batch Processes. The recommended approach is to define two batch processes to perform ALMBI Transformation, as follows:

1. ALMBI Batch1, with a single Task includes:

  • Hierarchy Flattening Process

2. ALMBI Batch2, with three Tasks in sequential order includes:

  • Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) Process
  • Dimension Run Population Process
  • ALMBI Transformation Process

3. (Optional) ALMBI Batch3, with Tasks to execute the required Account Summary T2T processes. This process is needed only if there is a requirement to report against the account-level data. It consists of:

  • Populate Time Dimension
  • Slowly Changing Dimension Process
  • Account Summary T2T Definition Processes (one per Instrument table) See the following sections on how to create a batch and adding respective tasks. The following are a few examples of use cases and related processing requirements.

4. Case 1: Initially, when a new Hierarchy is created or when edits are made to a Hierarchy, follow these steps:

  • Run Hierarchy Flattening
  • Run Dimension Table Population and Slowly Changing Dimension Processing
  • Populate the Dimension Run table
  • Run ALM Results Transformation

5. Case 2: When the active time bucket definition has been changed. Follow these steps:

  • Run Dimension Table Population and Slowly Changing Dimension Processing
  • Run ALM Results Transformation

6. Case 3: When a new ALM Process is created. Follow these steps:

  • Run Dimension Table Population and Slowly Changing Dimension Processing
  • Populate the Dimension Run table
  • Run ALM Results Transformation