3.1 Steps in ALM BI Process Flow

The following steps include the ALMBI Process:

  1. Hierarchy Flattening

    Runs when a new Hierarchy is created and when an existing Hierarchy used within ALMBI is modified.

  2. Dimension Table Population and Slowly Changing Dimension Processing

    Runs after a new Hierarchy or ALM Process is created and after Hierarchy modification or the <ALM>Active Time Bucket definition is changed.

  3. Populating the Dimension Run table

    Runs only after a new ALM Process is created or modified.

  4. Time Dimension Population

    Runs before ALM Results Transformation. This process is also run automatically during ALM Results Transformation if the current data does not already exist.

  5. ALM Results Transformation

    Runs after the execution of any ALM Process. This process can be run manually as part of a batch process or automatically as an option embedded within each ALM Process.

  6. (Optional) The Population of Account Summary Data

    Runs the Instrument Table-specific T2T processes for each new as-of-date and after all account-level processes have completed (if account level output option is selected). For example, ALM account level output of Market Value, Duration, Convexity, and so on.

  7. (Optional) The population of Ledger Data

    This Ledger Transformation Process can be run as part of a batch process to move data from the Management Ledger table (processing area) to fact ledger stat of ALMBI.