5.3 Executing the ALM Results Transformation Process

There are four ways to execute the ALM Results Transformation Process. Depending on your preference and particular use case, you can choose to run ALM Results Transformation using any of these methods.
  1. Select the ALM Results Transformation option from the Output Preferences block of the ALM Processing window. When this option is selected, the ALM BI Transformation runs automatically as the ALM Process Run.

    Figure 5-23 ALM BI Transformation

    This image displays the ALM BI Transformation.

  2. From the ALM Processing Summary page, select any ALM Process and then select the Transform ALM Results option. This triggers the immediate execution of the ALM BI Transformation Process.
  3. Create and run a Batch Process using the infrastructure Batch Processing.
  4. Create and run a Batch Process using the simplified batch window. For more information, see the Simplified Batch Execution section.
    The following steps describe how to execute the ALM Results Transformation process from the OFSAAI Batch Processing Framework.
    You can execute the function from the Operations Framework module of OFSAAI.
    Define a new Batch and an underlying Task definition from the Batch Maintenance window of OFSAAI. For more information on defining a new Batch, see the How to Define a Batch section.
    To define a new task for a Batch definition, follow these steps:
    1. Select the check box adjacent to the newly created Batch Name in the Batch Maintenance window.
    2. Click Add (+) from the Task Details grid. The Task Definition window is displayed.
    3. Enter the Task ID and Description.
    4. Select Transform Data from the Transform Data drop-down list.
    5. Select the following from the Dynamic Parameters list:

      Rule Name: Select ALM_BI_TRANSFORMATION from the list of all available transformations. (This is a seeded Data Transformation which is installed as part of the ALM BI Application. If you don't see this in the list, contact Oracle Support).

      Parameter List: Enter the Process ID, Rerun Flag, and Limit Flag.

       Process ID indicates the process for which the data is to be transformed from ALM operational tables to ALM BI tables. This is a mandatory parameter.

      Rerun Flag indicates whether the current run is a fresh run or a rerun for the same process ID. 'N' indicates a fresh run and 'Y' indicates a rerun. When ALM Results Transformation is executed for a new ALM process, it is treated as a new run. The BI_TRANSFORM_STATUS will be NULL in FSI_PROCESS_RUN_HISTORY for the Process and As-of-Date combination.

      When the Transformation is performed for an existing process, it becomes a rerun, which means the related FACT table records are first deleted for the process and new results are re-inserted. The BI_TRANSFORM_STATUS will be "1" in FSI_PROCESS_RUN_HISTORY for the Process and As-of-date combination.

      The sample parameters for this task are: 40006526, 'Y' (uppercase required).

    6. Click Save. The Task definition is saved for the selected Batch.
    7. Execute the Batch.
      • You can execute a Batch definition from the Batch Execution window of the OFSAAI Operations module.
      • The function can also be executed directly on the database through SQLPLUS using the following details:

        Function Name: FN_ALM_BI_TRANSFORMATION

        Parameters: P_BATCH_RUN_ID, P_AS_OF_DATE, PID, and P_RE_RUN_FLAG.

        Sample parameter values are 'Batch1','20111231', '40006526', and 'Y'


    When prompted for the execution date, select the 'As of Date' corresponding to the ALM results that you want to transform. If some other date is selected, the ALM Result Transformation will not run for the expected data set.