4.2.2 Prerequisites and Troubleshooting

The following are the prerequisites and troubleshooting steps:

  1. All the post-install steps mentioned in the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure (OFSAAI) Installation and Configuration Guide and the Oracle Financial Services Asset Liability Management Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide. ALM Analytics have to be completed successfully.
  2. The Hierarchies are maintained in the Dimension Management component of OFSAA Infrastructure. (In the Common Object Maintenance, navigate to Master Maintenance and select Dimension Management, and then select Hierarchies).
  3. The steps mentioned subsequently in this section are debugging steps and must be checked only if the hierarchy flattening process has failed. Seeded Hierarchies which are included with the installation and any hierarchies created using the Dimension Management user interface will have the proper data in the following section Tables Used by the Hierarchy Flattening Process.
    • Check in the database (Atomic Schema) to confirm the FLATTENED_ROWS_COMPLETION_CODE column in REV_HIER_DEFINITIONS table has the value Pending for the Hierarchy ID being processed. This column will have the value Pending for any new hierarchy created or modified using the OFSAAI Hierarchy Management UI.
    • Check if the REV_DIMENSIONS_B table has a row for the dimension that is being processed. (Use a database SQL query to check. This is available in the section Executing the Hierarchy Flattening Transformation).
    • Check if the REV_HIERARCHIES table has a row for the Hierarchy ID that is being processed. (Use a database SQL query to check. This is available in the section Executing the Hierarchy Flattening Transformation).
  4. Application users must be mapped to a role which has the seeded batch execution function (BATPRO).
    • By default, this SMS function is mapped to the SMS Role Data Centre Manager (SYSOPC).
    • The ALM Application seeds three user-profiles:
      • ALM Administration
      • ALM Analyst
      • ALM Auditor

      After installation of ALM, the system administrator should additionally map the BATPRO function with the required ALM roles.

  5. Before executing a batch, check if the following services are running on the application server:
    • Iccserver
    • Router
    • AM
    • Messageserver

    For more information on how to check if the services are up and how to start the services if you find them not running, see the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure User Guide.

  6. Users must create Batch Processes for executing flattening and movement procedures. This process is explained in the section Executing the Hierarchy Flattening Transformation.
    • The flattening procedure takes Dimension ID and Hierarchy sys ID as additional parameters; Dimension ID is mandatory whereas Hierarchy ID is optional.
    • These processes can also be run using the Simplified Batch window, which allows for the execution of stored procedures.