36 ALM Processing

When all the required assumptions are defined, ALM Processing performs calculation processes and generates a result set. There are four types of ALM processing rules, each to be described in detail later in this module.

  • Static Deterministic
  • Static Stochastic
  • Dynamic Deterministic
  • Dynamic Stochastic

Depending on what type of process you choose, the corresponding Process Rule guides you through the required inputs on the process flow screen.

This chapter covers the following topics:

ALM Processes allow you to perform the following tasks:

  • Determine the data that you want to process (Product Hierarchy block).
  • Submit to the ALM processing engine the financial element results you want to calculate: (Calculation Elements).
  • Specify to the ALM processing engine the product characteristics, prepayments, discount meth- ods and forecast assumptions to be used in the process (Rule Selection blocks).
  • Specify the Forecast Rate Scenarios (for Deterministic processes) or Rate Index (for Stochastic processes) you want to include.
  • Specify a process with only runoff (Static), or with new business included (Dynamic).
  • Define the output dimension and what additional attributes you want updated at theinstrument level (Output Preferences block).
  • Enable the output of detailed cash flows or forecast interest rates for audit purposes(Audit Options block).
  • Define the processing parameters for a reprocess on an existing run or an entire newprocess (Processing Parameters block).
  • Formulate and execute the ALM processing request and generate results (ALM Process SummaryPage).

Following buttons are available on Process Summary grid:


Clicking on the Add control allows you to create a new ALM Process rule. The Add control is disabled if any rows in the grid have been selected.


Selecting a single row out of the grid enables the View control. Clicking on the View control allowsyou to view the contents of a Process on a read-only basis. The View control is only enabled when a single Process rule has been selected.


Selecting a single row out of the grid enables the Edit control. Clicking on the Edit control allows you to modifya previously saved Process rule. The Edit control is only enabled when a single Process rule has been selected.


Selecting a single row out of the grid enables the Copy control. Clicking on the Copy control allows you to create a copy of an Process rule. The Copy control is only enabled when a single Process has been selected.

Check Dependencies

To generate a report on the OFSAA rules that utilize a selected process, select a single processand click on the Check Dependencies control. The Check Dependencies control is only enabled when a single process has been selected.


Selecting one or more rows out of the grid enables the Delete control. Clicking on the Delete control deletes the process rule(s) you have selected.


Clicking on Execute button allows you to execute an existing process. After execution, the status of process will either change to Success or Fail.


Clicking on refresh button refreshes the Process Rule summary page. BI Transformation

Transformation ALM results button allows you to push the ALM Results from the ALM Processing area to the ALM BI Mart. It moves the ALM result data from ALM Processing Tables to ALM BI FACT Tables for Reporting. It transforms both Deterministic and Stochastic ALM results as well as other related information such as forecast rates and detailed cash flows, based on the type of process and processing options selected. Note, this option will be enabled only if user is mapped to ALM BI application.