Automate (Schedule) the Generate Rates Action in Hybrid IRCs

The generation of the Hybrid IRC rates is available within the Hybrid IRC of Rate Management UI. As a manual process, you can additionally schedule a Run thorough an ICC Batch process or a Simplified Batch process. If you are running Generate Rates through the UI, then provide the following three parameters:

  • Interest Rate Code: For example, you are in edit mode for a particular Hybrid IRC, execute the Generate Rates option. So, the IRC is implied.
  • FROM DATE: this is the start date of the generate rates process.
  • TO DATE: this is the date to which hybrid rates will be computed.

When generating Hybrid Rates through a batch (ICC or Simplified), specify ALL in the Parameter list to generate rates for all Hybrid IRCs. Or, a list of IRCs can be specified with comma-separated values within quotes.

'IRC_Code1, IRC_Code2, IRC_Code3' and so on.


Use ALL in the Parameter list for all IRCs.

The TO DATE is determined based on the Effective Date specified for the Batch and the FROM DATE for each IRC is determined by referring to the last (maximum) effective date in the current historical rates table +1 day.

There is one exception to the calculated FROM DATE. In cases where a new Hybrid IRC is generating rates for the first time, the minimum Effective Date from the Parent IRC is used as the FROM DATE.


Hybrid Rates generated by the Generate Rates procedure are written to the FSI_IRC_RATE_HIST table. Outputs from the procedure can be verified within the Interest Rates UI or by querying this table directly.

Dependent Tables: The following list describes the details of the Dependent Tables.

  • FSI_IRCS: Holds header information of all Interest Rate Codes.
  • FSI_IRC_HYBRID_STRUCT_WEIGHT: Holds the Hybrid IRCs' - Interest Rate Term, Interest Rate Term Mult, and Rate Weightage. It is the child Table of FSI_IRCS.
  • FSI_IRC_RATE_HIST: This Output table holds calculated rates for the Hybrid IRCs, as well as all historical rates for non-hybrid IRCs input through the Interest Rates UI or loaded directly using the interest rates data loader program.
  • FSI_MESSAGE_LOG: Holds error log information.
  • DATE_TASK_MASTER: Located in the Config Schema. This table must have a seeded date for IRC_HYBRID_SCHEDULER DT.
  • DATE_TASK_STEP_PRECEDENCE: Similar to DATE_TASK_MASTER, this table must also have an entry for IRC_HYBRID_SCHEDULER DT.

Prerequisites to Running Hybrid IRC Batches:

  • The function FN_FSI_IRC_HYBRID_SCHEDULER must be in Compiled status in the Atomic schema. Sometimes, the functions created in the Database can be in an invalid state due to some issues (by the installer), so use the Compile option in the Database to get them in a valid state.
  • You can create the ICC batch using the IRC_HYBRID_SCHEDULER rule name, which is seeded with the installation.
  • Hybrid IRC rates are calculated based on their underlying standard IRC rates, which are also stored in the FSI_IRC_RATE_HIST table. Historical Rates must already exist for all parent and dependent IRCs for the relevant effective date range.


Seeded data related to Batch information must be present in the DATE_TASK_MASTER and DATE_TASK_STEP_PRECEDENCE tables in the Config schema.