38.1 Deployment of Moody Libraries on OFS ALM

This section discusses the deployment of Moody Libraries on OFS ALM.


The following is the list of prerequisites:

  • ALM 8.0
  • A license for the WSA libraries is required from Moody's


To deploy the Moody Libraries on OFS ALM, follow these steps:

  • Preparation:
    1. Log in to the UNIX Profile where OFSAAI Database-tier is installed.
    2. Create a folder called moody, and then create two subfolders under moody : data and lib64
    3. Edit the .profile script and set the following environment variables

      MOODYS_DATA_PATH: Set to the absolute path of the data subfolder created above

      LD_LIBRARY_PATH: Update this environment variable to include the absolute-path of the lib64 subfolder.

      ADCO_DATA_PATH: Set to the absolute path where ADCo historical-rate files are present.

      This is only required if you are using the Moody's libraries along with ADCo prepayment model. For more information on ADCo LDM prepayment model, see the Prepayment Rules section.

    4. Stop all OFSAAI services
    5. Logout of the UNIX Session and log back into UNIX. Verify that the created environment vari­ables are set properly.
    6. Start all OFSAAI Services
  • Deployment:
    1. Download the Moody’s libraries and place the files into the moody/lib64 subfolder.
    2. Place the deal files in the Moody's data folder.
  • Enable Moody functionality in ALM:
    1. Login to OFSAAI with the SYSADMN credentials.
    2. Under the OFSAAI Home Page, navigate to Administration and select Security Management.
    3. Expand System Administrator and click Function – Role Map.
    4. Associate the SMS-Function Moody Integration for ALM with the required roles to the required username.