4.3 Dimension Attributes

Some OFSAA dimensions support attributes. Dimension attribute values are used to qualify dimension members. For example, a cost center, say Branch #1, might have a Headcount attribute with a value of 32 and a Volume attribute with a value of High. A product dimension member, say 30-year fixed-rate jumbo LIBOR mortgage, might have a Rate attribute with a value of LIBOR, a Size attribute with a value of Jumbo, and a Loan Type attribute of Fixed. A General Ledger account, say Benefit Expense, might have an Account Type attribute with a value of Non-Interest Expense.

Like dimensions, attributes are used to stratify your business data for processing or reporting purĀ­poses. Some dimension attributes are seeded within the OFSAA data model and are used extensively in processing. You may define as many user-defined attributes as you need.

OFSAA Infrastructure includes functionality for Adding, Viewing, Editing, or Deleting dimension attriĀ­butes. Which of these functions you can access depends on your logon privilege and on the dimension with which you wish to work.

Once an attribute has been defined for a dimension, attribute values may be assigned to individual dimension member values. These attribute values may be open-ended (dates, numbers, or strings) or may be restricted to a defined set of members.