4.4 Hierarchies

Some OFSAA dimensions support hierarchies. Hierarchies may be used to provide sophisticated strati­fication for either processing or reporting purposes. For example, an organizational hierarchy might start with a Division level containing Western Region, Eastern Region, and Southern Region; the next level down within the hierarchy might be state or county. A product hierarchy might begin with branches for Asset vs. Liability vs. Service products; under the Asset branch, you might define addi­tional branches for Mortgage Lending, Commercial Lending, Consumer Lending, and so on. Hierar­chies are used extensively in OFSAA models to assign methods to products and to support allocation methodologies.

Like dimension members, dimension hierarchies may be maintained either internally within the OFSAA Infrastructure or externally.


OFSAA Infrastructure includes functionality for Adding, Viewing, Editing, or Deleting hierarchies. Which of these functions you can access depends on your logon privilege and on the hierarchy with which you wish to work.


You may choose to source and maintain some or all of your hierarchies from external systems such as your General Ledger, a Data Warehouse, or from some other external master data management sys­tem, such as Oracle Data Relationship Management (DRM). For more information on loading hierarchy data from external sys­tems, see the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Data Model Utilities User Guide.


You may also choose to maintain some hierarchies from an external source while maintaining other hierarchies internally.