42 Multi-Language Support

With the introduction of Multi-Locale Support, the user interfaces can be viewed in various languages.

In addition to the base language (American English or en_US), the following languages are currently supported for ALM. You can install the required Language Pack.

Table 42-1 List of Supported Languages for ALM Application

Language Name Java Locale
rabic AR_EG
Portuguese PT_BR
French FR_FR
German DE_DE
Indonesian IN_ID
Italian IT_IT
Japanese JA_JP
Korean KO_KR
Russian RU_RU
Simplified Chinese ZH_CN
Spanish ES_ES
Thai TH_TH
Traditional Chinese ZH_TW
Vietnamese VI_VN
Turkish TR_TR
Hebrew iw_IL
French Canada fr_CA

Depending on the rule type, the Name/Description specified during create/edit is either attached to the login-locale or is stored independently of the login-locale. The selection of the login-locale governs which assumptions/rules are visible, and which are not visible. The following table illustrates the visibility of assumptions and rules across languages in the release. This applies to all Summary screens, embedded selections in subsequent screens, and so on.


All Dimension Management Objects, Filters, and Expressions are visible in all languages (and therefore available for embedding), regardless of the language they were created.

Table 42-2 Visibility of Assumption rules across the supported languages

Assumption Rules Visible across all languages Visible only in the creation language
Common Object Maintenance
Process Tuning Yes
Simplified Batch


Holiday Calendar ** Yes
SQL Rules  
Data Entry Forms and Queries
Dimension Management
(Attributes, Members, and HierarĀ­chies)
Common Object Maintenance and select Rate Management
Interest Rate Codes ** Yes
Currencies ** Yes
Economic Indicators ** Yes
ALM Maintenance
Behavior Patterns Yes
Payment Patterns ** Yes
Repricing Patterns ** Yes
Product Profiles ** Yes
Time Buckets ** Yes
ALM Assumption Specification
Product Characteristics Yes
Discount Methods Yes
Prepayments Yes
Prepayment Models Yes
Rate Dependency Patterns Yes
Forecast Rate Scenarios Yes
Forecast Balances Yes
Transaction Strategies Yes
Maturity Mix Yes
Pricing Margin Yes
Transfer Pricing Rules Yes
TP Adjustments Yes
Stochastic Rate Indexing Yes
ALM Processing
Static Deterministic Process Yes
Static Stochastic Process Yes
Dynamic Deterministic Process Yes
Dynamic Stochastic Process Yes
Cash Flow Edits Yes

* A future release will provide visibility for many of these application object types regardless of logged-in locale.

** These object-types are visible across all languages because the Name and Descriptions are not stored in translation-compatible structures, which is different from the storage format for AAI objects like Dimension Management, Filters, and Expressions.