41.2 Performance Tuning Applicable to FTP

Management Ledger Updating

Within Funds Transfer Pricing, both Ledger migration and direct Transfer Pricing against the Management Ledger table update the Management Ledger table using inserts. This prevents OFSAA from performing Management Ledger updates in parallel. When the Management Ledger is updated (either because the Management Ledger buffer has filled or the process has ended), updating is done by only one process. All other processes must wait for updating to be completed. As the ratio between rows written to the Management Ledger and rows read from Management Ledger increases, the time spent writing to the Management Ledger dominates the time spent reading, resulting in drastically reduced scalability.

Cursor Sharing Session Parameters

You can set the Cursor Sharing database parameter at a session (FTP Application) level. This parameter, when set to FORCE, is observed to significantly improve FTP Processing times and Oracle recommends enabling this option.

These are not hardcoded in the engine. You must provided the right values. The Engine does not validate these values. By default, cursor sharing mode is disabled in the ofstp.ini file which is present in $FIC_DB_HOME/conf folder:

When enabled, the Funds Transfer Pricing engine will read the CursorSharingMode parameter andset CURSOR_SHARE at the database session-level accordingly. The FTP Engine will execute the following statement if a value is given for CursorSharingMode.

ALTER SESSION SET CURSOR_SHARING = <Input Value in upper case>

<Input Values> can be: EXACT, FORCE, SIMILAR

To enable this, remove the semicolon in the ofstp.inifile as shown :

Figure 41-14 Remove ofsfp.in

Remove ofsfp.in