22 Prepayment Model Analysis

This module describes the procedure for prepayment models analysis.

The Prepayment Model Analysis module will allow you to develop a model for prepayment rate calculations as per the chosen risk factors.

Model building could be a time consuming process given huge data sets and limited IT infrastructure. So to get the latest status of each stage, you can hover over corresponding block in the progress train, a call out will open with milestones status which will help to confirm if the process is still running and how many milestones have already completed.


Before using the product hierarchy for selecting data to include in your process, there is a procedure that must be run (PRODUCT TO INSTRUMENT MAPPING). This procedure can be executed from the Batch Scheduler – Run - interface.

The purpose of the Product to Instrument mapping procedure is to scan all instrument tables (FSI_D_xxx) and populate the mapping table (FSI_M_PROD_INST_TABLE_MAP) with a listing of the product dimension members that exist within each instrument table.


Prepayment model analysis is supported only for OEL.

For User Roles and Functions related to Prepayment Model Analysis, see the Creating Application Users section of OFS Asset Liability Management Application Pack Installation and Configuration Guide.

In the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure home screen, select Financial Services Asset Liability Management.

Note: For FTP, select Financial Services Funds Transfer Pricing Management. For BSP, select Financial Services Balance Sheet Planning Management

  1. To access Prepayment Model Analysis window, navigate to ALM Assumption Specification, select Prepayment Rules and then select Prepayment Model Analysis.


    For FTP, navigate to ALM Assumption Specification. For BSP, navigate to BSP Assumption Specification.
  2. The definitions based on the search criteria are listed under the List of Prepayment Model Analysis. You can search on one or more model attributes in this section. When you click Search, depending upon the search criteria, the corresponding Prepayment Model Analysis Summary would be shown. The Prepayment Model Analysis Summary window displays the following fields.

    Table 22-1 Fields and their Descriptions

    Fields Description


    This icon allows you to search the Prepayment Model Analysis definition based on the search criteria specified. Search criteria may include a combination of Name, Folder, Status, and Model Type. The Prepayment Model Analysis rule definitions displayed in the Prepayment Model Analysis Summary table are filtered based on the search criteria specified on clicking this icon.


    This icon allows you to reset the Search section to its default state without any selections. Resetting the Search section displays all the existing Prepayment Model Analysis rule definitions in the Prepayment Model Analysis Summary table.


    This field allows you to search the pre-defined Prepayment Model Analysis rule based on the Rule name. Enter the Rule name.


    This field allows you to search for the pre-defined Prepayment Model Analysis rule definitions based on the selected folder. This field displays a list of folders that you have access to as a drop-down. Selecting a folder from the drop-down list displays only those Prepayment Model Analysis rule definitions that belongs to the selected folder/segment in the Prepayment Model Analysis rule Summary table.

    Model Type

    This field allows you to search the pre-defined Prepayment Model Analysis rule based on type. Model Type would only be defined for “Confirmed” models. All models which are still in draft, would not have any Model type. This drop-down has the following options:

    • Linear
    • Polynomial


    This field allows you to search the pre-defined Prepayment Model Analysis rule based on status. This drop-down list displays the statuses Draft or Completed. Selecting a status from the drop-down list displays only those Prepayment Model Analysis rule definitions that are defined with the selected status in the Prepayment Model Analysis Summary table.

    The Prepayment Model Analysis Summary page offers several icons that allow you to perform different functions when a Prepayment Model Analysis rule is selected.

    Table 22-2 Prepayment Model Analysis rule – Icons and Descriptions

    Fields Description


    Click Add icon to build a new Prepayment Model Analysis rule. The Add icon is disabled if any row is selected in the table.


    Select a single row in the table to enable the View icon. Click View to view the contents of a Prepayment Model Analysis rule in read-only format. The View icon is enabled only when a single Prepayment Model Analysis rule is selected in the table.

    Selecting a single row out of the pane enables the Edit icon.

    Click the Edit icon to modify a previously saved Prepayment Model Analysis rule. The Edit icon is only enabled when a single Prepayment Model Analysis rule is selected.

    You can control the number of rows to display on the window by selecting the

    Pagination Options icon from the action bar.


    Selecting a single row out of the pane enables the Copy icon.

    Click the Copy icon to create a copy of an existing Prepayment Model Analysis rule. The Copy icon is only enabled when a single Prepayment Model Analysis rule has been selected.

    Check Dependencies

    Select the Prepayment Model Analysis rule.

    Click the Check Dependencies to generate a report on all rules that utilize your selected Prepayment Model Analysis rule.

    The Check Dependencies icon is only enabled when a single Prepayment Model Analysis rule has been selected.


    Select one or more rows in the table to enable the Delete icon.

    Click Delete to delete the selected Prepayment Model Analysis rule. Only prepayment models that are not being used, could be deleted.

    Refresh Click Refresh to refresh the Prepayment Model Analysis summary page.

To select a Prepayment Model Analysis, select a check box in the first column of the table. More than one Prepayment Model Analysis can be selected at a time, but this disables some of the icons.

You can select or deselect all the Prepayment Model Analysis rules on the Summary page by selecting the check box in the upper left-hand corner of the Summary table directly to the left of the Name column header.

The following table provides the Prepayment Model Analysis details based on the search criteria.

Table 22-3 Prepayment Model Analysis – Columns and Descriptions

Column Description
Name Displays the Prepayment Model Analysis rule's short name.
Creation Date Displays the Date and Time at which a Prepayment Model Analysis rule was created.
Created By Displays the Name of the user who created the Prepayment Model Analysis rule.
Last Modification Date Displays the Date and Time at when a Prepayment Model Analysis rule was last modified.
Last Modified By Displays the Name of the user who last modified the Prepayment Model Analysis rule.
Status Displays the Status of rule.
