6.2 Simplified Batch Details

When you Add, Edit, or View a batch, the Simplified Batch details window is displayed. The Simplified Batch details window presents the following panes for defining and maintaining your batch:

  • Simplified Batch - header level information, such as Rule Name, and so on
  • Batch Execution Type
  • Search Task Details
  • Task Details
  • Audit Trail

When you Add, Edit, or View a Simplified Batch Rule, the Simplified Batch Rule details window is displayed. The Simplified Batch Rule details window includes a Simplified Batch Rule details pane, three Simplified Batch Rule panes, and an Audit Trail pane.

The Audit Trail pane is a standard footer pane for every OFSAA rule type. It displays Created By, Creation Date, Last Modified By, and Modification Date. The User Comments tab can be used to add comments to any rule, subject to a maximum of 4000 characters.