10.1 Updating Application Preferences

To update the Asset Liability Management Application Preferences, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Asset Liability Management Application Preferences page.
  2. Input values for all the Asset Liability Management Application Preference items as described in Table 1.

    If you are the application administrator, define default values for the All User group by making the appropriate selection from the Show Preference For, drop list at the top of the page. Pay particular attention to the Is Editable status and determine which items require administrative control and which items non-administrative users will be able to set for themselves.

    The following table describes each of the Asset Liability Management Preference items.

    Form fields to define the Application Preference settings for ALM application

    Term Description
    Show Preferences For
    • Administrator: If you have Administrator privileges, you can define preferences for the All User group and their individual account, which may be the same or different from the All User settings. The Administrator can also designate the All User preferences as Editable or Non-editable on a row by row basis. If the individual preference is selected as is Editable, then End Users can update or override the Administrator's default value for their own individual account. If the is Editable box is deselected, then End Users cannot change the default for their individual account.
    • End-User: If you do not have administrator privileges, then certain preference items may have been pre-set by the administrator and the you may not be allowed to change the value. All Application Preference settings are displayed, regardless of access privilege.

    Active for Master Maintenance

    If you have more than one application available on their LHS menu, then you must designate Application Preferences from one of the applications as Active for Master Maintenance. Certain preferences such as the default folder and read/write access setting will be referenced by items within Master Maintenance based on this selection.

    Security Map

    This option allows you to select an existing security map. Security Maps can be used to control the dimensions and dimension members each user can access when building and executing rules. For more information on Security Mapping, see the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure (OFSAAI) User Guide.

    As of Date

    All processes reference this date at runtime to determine the data to include in the process. The As-of-Date value you set in Application Preferences applies to interactive job execution (that is, when you choose to execute a rule directly from a Summary window). For batch processing, the As-of-Date is derived from the Information Date.

    Show Execution Parameters

    If this option is selected, a pop-up window appears whenever you execute a process interactively from a Summary window. Within this pop-up window, you may confirm or modify your run execution parameters (As-of-Date and Legal Entity).

    Legal Entity

    Similar to As-of-Date, all processes reference Legal Entity at run time to determine the data to include in the process. The value of Legal Entity you set in Application Preferences applies to interactive job execution (that is, when you choose to execute a process directly from a Summary window) and batch processing (that is, when you choose to execute a process from Simplified Batch).

    NOTE: Legal Entity is designed to support implementations that require multi-entity or multi-tenant functionality. For details, see Appendix: Multi-Entity. If your implementation does not require this functionality, you may utilize the Default Legal Entity in all your processes.

    No additional parameter is required for Legal Entity for command-line execution. EPM Engines read the default Legal Entity from the Application preference value saved for the User who is executing from the command-line. The default legal entity is a per user preference setting. To set this, the following steps are required:

    1. Create a security-map in AAI containing the legal-entity hierarchy as an application admin. Set the default security-map in a user prefer­ences.

    2. Navigate to Execution Parameters block in user-preferences and choose the default legal-entity member.

    3. If you do not want to use the Multi-Entity feature with Security, you need to save the Application preference for the user executing the batch. The usual choice for Legal Entity would be Default Member in Application preferences.

    Default implies -1 code.

    Default value for Legal Entity dimension column in all instrument and ledger table is -1

    Disable Legal Entity If the Disable Legal Entity checkbox in application preferences window is checked, then Legal Entity will no longer be a run-time parameter. This is an optional parameter.
    Default Total Error Message Limit ALM Processes log error details into the FSI_PROCESS_ERRORS table. This parameter defines the limit on the total number of errors that will be logged for any ALM Process.
    Default Error Message Limit Per Item This parameter defines the total number of errors that will be logged for a given type of error.

    Debugging Output Level

    The debugging output level determines the amount of SQL that will be written to the processing log. There are three levels available:

    Do not output SQL to log file: A log file will not be created.

    · Show Significant Calculation SQL: Log file is created and will contain those SQLs that are tagged as significant.

    · Show all SQL: Log file is created and will contain all the SQL that the engines execute.

    The log files can be accessed by the system administrator in the following location on the server:

    $FIC_HOME/ficdb/log/FusionApps/ folder

    The file names will be prefixed with the application initials and will also contain the unique batch run id of the execution request.

    for example: ofsrm.<batch-run-id>.log

    Maximum Number of Instrument Records to Include in Detail Cash Flow Output This parameter allows administrators to define the maximum number of instrument records that any user can select within a process for outputting detailed cash flows. In Oracle ALM, there is no limit for this value. If you wish to remove the limit, you can leave the setting blank and upon selecting Apply, you will notice “No Limit” text will appear. It is recommended, however, that this value be set to 100 or less.
    Maximum Number of Rate Paths for Monte Carlo Processing This parameter allows administrators to limit the number of rate paths that can be selected by a user when running a Monte Carlo based process. The maximum value is 2100.
    Random Number Generation Seed Method Determines the type of random number generation seed method for Monte Carlo processing. Selections include Fixed Seed (default) and Variable Seed.
    Initial Seed Value The Initial seed value input is available when the Seed Value Method is Fixed Seed. The default value is zero.

    Enable Holiday Calendar Adjustments

    Select this option to enable the Holiday Calendar Adjustment capability for the ALM Application. If this option is not selected, the ALM Cash Flow Engine will ignore all Holiday Calendar information, including instrument level inputs and assumption rule level inputs.

    Logic for applying Holiday Calendar assumptions is as follows:

    · If Application Preferences – Enable Holiday Calendar Adjustments is checked, then the CFE will handle Holiday Calendar assumptions based on the Account Level values first.

    · If Application Preferences – Enable Holiday Calendar Adjustments is checked but Holiday Calendar inputs are not defined at the Account Level, then the CFE will refer to the Product/Currency assumptions (TP rule and Adjustment rule).

    · If Application Preferences – Enable Holiday Calendar Adjustments is checked and Holiday Calendar inputs are defined at both the Account Level and Product/Currency Assumption level, then the CFE will refer to the Account level inputs.

    · If Application Preferences – Enable Holiday Calendar Adjustments checkbox is off, then no Holiday Calendar assumptions will be applied regardless of data or Product/Currency Holiday Calendar definitions. Data that specifies Bus/252 accrual basis will get processed as Actual/Actual, and a process error message will be populated: Invalid record: BUS/252 Accrual Basis is selected and no Holiday Calendar is defined. Defaulted to ACT/ACT leaf member.

    Folder Name

    This parameter allows you to define the default folder selection. The folder selection for all rule types will be defaulted to this selection within the summary page search window and when creating a new rule. This selection acts as the starting value for convenience only and users can change to any other available value at their discretion.

    Access Type

    This parameter allows you to set the default access type setting. Selections include Read / Write and Read Only. This selection acts as the starting value for convenience only and users can change at their discretion.

    Initial Currency Selection

    (Business Rule Currency)

    This parameter allows you to select the starting currency to be displayed within all business rules. This selection is made for convenience and can be changed within all business rules at the users' discretion.

    Product Dimension

    Oracle ALM requires users to declare one of the “Product” dimensions as the ALM Product dimension. The model is seeded with 3 possible selections:

    · Product

    · Common COA

    · GL Account

    Users can also add user-defined product dimensions, which would also appear in the above list. ALM business rules are based on the Product dimension selected here. The suggested default is the “Product” dimension.

    NOTE: If the process is using Product Dimension as "Product", do not use Default Product Member (value of -1) within the process.

    Organizational Unit Dimension Org Unit ID is the standard organizational dimension in the OFSAA relational data model and is intended to equate to the organizational dimension found in the General Ledger (e.g., Cost Center, Responsibility Center, Department, etc). Unless Users have defined additional Organizational dimensions, the Organizational Unit Dimension is set by default to Org Unit ID. For details on adding new key processing dimensions, see Adding Dimension Tables and Key Dimension (Leaf) Registration in the OFSAA Data Model Utilities Guide. If Users have defined additional Organizational dimensions, then they may select any Org type dimension to serve as their Organizational Unit Dimension.

    Hierarchy Members Navigation Size

    This parameter allows you to specify the maximum number of members that a parent node within a Hierarchy or Assumption Browser can show at a given time. When you expand a branch in a Hierarchy or Assumption Browser and the number of members in that branch exceeds the specified Navigation Size, it will provide "More" and "Previous" options to enable you to navigate through the member list.

    NOTE: Recommended values for Navigation Size are 50 to 100. Higher value settings could impact window refresh performance. The UI allows you to enter a value up to 10000.

    Autobalancing Leaves

    Autobalancing leaves allow you to assign dimension members to the various elements of the Autobalancing process. Autobalancing in ALM is commonly used when running simulation scenarios that require the balance sheet to remain in balance throughout the forecast horizon. The following Leaf types require dimension member assignments for the autobalancing process to run:

    Purchase of overnight funds to fill in cash shortfalls or sale of overnight funds to invest excess cash:



    Roll net income into retained earnings

    Retained Earnings

    Pay Dividends


    Pay Federal and Local Tax

    Federal Taxes

    State Taxes

    Accumulate unrealized currency gains/losses in equity

    Accumulated Translation Balance

    Note: All product COA dimension members mapped for use in autobalancing must have the correct account type attribute (via Common COA mapping) and all components must be mapped for the process to run. Also note, that each autobalancing element should have a unique dimension member assignment.

    Mapping of Dimension members:

    Select the Product Hierarchy.

    Identify the Autobalancing Leaf type and select the product member using the Hierarchy Browser.

    Define the Product Characteristics for the above selected product member.

    During the processing, select the Product Characteristics definition for which autobalancing is defined.

    NOTE: Also, Autobalancing Leaves option (navigate to ALM Processing and select Processing Parameters) should be selected.

    National Housing Price Index (NHPI) This is an input parameter for ADCo definition purpose, that the user has to select from the drop-down list containing the list of all economic indicators defined from Rate Management. The user is required to set up an NHPI economic index as if they desire to override the base ADCo NHPI forecast. This is an optional step, in the setting up of an ADCo process.
  3. Select Apply to confirm the changes.
  4. Select the Reset to default option if you would like to clear all previously applied inputs and return to the original default state.