15.2 Editing Prepayment Models

As part of editing Prepayment models, you can modify Prepayment rates and the structure of the Pre­payment Model. You can also modify the lookup methods (Range or Interpolation), the number of Buckets, and the actual values of the Buckets. However, if you update the dimensions your previously entered prepayment rate data may be lost.


Predefined Prepayment Models.


  1. Search for the Prepayment Model, which you want to edit. For more information, refer to Searching for Rules section.
  2. Select the check box next to the Prepayment Model and select the Edit

    The Prepayment Model opens in Edit mode.

Procedure to Update Rates

Modify the Prepayment Rates in the table as required. For more information, see the Editing Prepayment Rates in a Prepayment Model.

Procedure to Update Dimensions Values

  1. Click Update Dimensions Values.

    The Update Dimensions page is displayed.

  2. Update the structure as required.
    • To add more Nodes to a particular Dimension, update the number of Nodes for the Dimen­sion and click Go.
    • To delete Nodes from a particular Dimension, click the delete icon corresponding to the Node.


      Nodes cannot be deleted by reducing their numbers. Also, all Nodes cannot be deleted and at least one Node must exist in each Dimension.

    • To change the method of a particular Dimension, select the required method from the corre­sponding list.
    • To change the value of a Node, update the value in the corresponding field.
  3. Click Apply.

    The Prepayment Model summary page is displayed.