3.11 Folders

One of the fundamental properties of any OFSAA rule is the Folder in which it is stored. Your System Administrator will configure your user ID to have access to one or more folders in which you can store your rules. Your access rights will likely be similar to co-workers who have a similar business role. For details on security management and defining Segment Maintenance in OFSAA, refer to Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure User Guide.

Storing rules in folders gives you the means to segregate your rules for functional or security considerĀ­ations. For example, you may wish to:

  • Set up folders to store Transfer Pricing rules that are separate from folders you have built for Profitability Management rules and that are also separate from folders you have built for Asset/Liability Management rules
  • Establish some folders for rules you are in the process of developing and testing and other foldĀ­ers for fully tested, production-ready rules
  • Segregate some rules that are fundamental to the definition of other rules (For example, some Data Element Filters may be used in dozens or hundreds of other rules) to ensure that access to those fundamental rules is highly controlled
  • Segregate your hierarchies, which are also frequently fundamental to OFSAA models, into a restricted-access folder