3.12 Visibility of Rules

Every navigation path to view a rule in OFSAA begins with a Summary screen. Within the Summary screen for each rule type, a user may browse through all of the rules that are stored within Folders to which the user has access. From each Summary screen, users may be granted the ability to Add, Edit, View, or Delete rules.

When building rules in an OFS Analytical Application, you frequently call upon other OFSAA rules (For example., a Data Element Filter nested within an Allocation rule or a Hierarchy utilized within a Transfer Pricing rule). When nesting a child rule within a parent rule you must specify the child rule by its Name and Folder (where both Name and Folder are presented in drop-down list boxes). In this context, the Folder drop-down list box for every user will include every Folder in the Information Domain regardless of his Folder access rights. This means that a user may invoke a child rule from any Folder even if he cannot access that child rule directly through its Summary screen.

Additionally, whenever a user nests a parent rule within a child rule, the OFSAA user interface provides the user the ability to view a read-only version of the underlying child rule.