3.6.1 Key Processing Dimensions

Key Processing Dimensions have the following features:

  • Accessible as modeling dimensions for all of the OFSAA analytical engines.
  • Expressed as columns in nearly all of your business fact tables.
  • Support both attributes and hierarchies

Metadata for Key Processing Dimensions are stored in four tables:

  • A base table (For example, DIM_PRODUCTS_B)
  • A translation table (For example, DIM_PRODUCTS_TL)
  • An attribute table (For example, DIM_PRODUCTS_ATTR)
  • A hierarchy table (For example, DIM_PRODUCTS_HIER)

Base tables store basic information about each dimension member and translation tables store names and descriptions for each dimension member in multiple languages. Attribute tables store one or many attribute values for each dimension mem­ber. Hierarchy tables store one or more hierarchies for each dimension (you may define as many hierar­chies as you wish for any dimension that supports hierarchies).

Seeded Key Processing Dimensions

OFSAA is seeded with six Key Processing dimensions:

  • Financial Element
  • Organizational Unit
  • General Ledger Account
  • Common Chart of Accounts
  • Product
  • Legal Entity

Among the six seeded Key Processing dimensions, only the Financial Element dimension is pre-popu­lated with a Chart of Accounts, but it is only populated in the range between 0 and 10,000 (For more details on the seeded Chart of Accounts for the Financial Element dimension see the Oracle Financial Services Profitability Management User Guide. This is a reserved range in which you may not add new members, or edit or delete existing members. You may add user-defined Financial Elements anywhere outside the reserved range.

User-Defined Key Processing Dimensions

For more information on adding your own user-defined Key Processing dimensions, see the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure (OFSAAI) Installation and Config­uration Guide.