3.6.2 Standard Dimensions

Standard dimensions may support attributes and/or hierarchies depending on how they are configured, but are not used as processing dimensions within any of the analytical application engines. Like Key Processing Dimensions, metadata for Standard Dimensions is stored in a base table and in a trans­lation table. A Standard Dimension may or may not have an attribute table or a hierarchy table depending it is configured. Within the OFSAA modules, Standard dimensions that are defined as having a hierarchy table will support hierarchies, and Standard dimensions that are defined as having an attribute table will support attributes. See the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure (OFSAAI) Installation and Configuration Guide.

Seeded Standard Dimensions

OFSAA is seeded with two Standard Dimensions

  • Country
  • Customer

Both dimensions support attributes and hierarchies. Default member values are provided for the Coun­try dimension, but no values are provided for the Customer dimension.

User-Defined Standard Dimensions

Refer to the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure (OFSAAI) Installation and Configuration Guide for details on adding user-defined Standard dimensions.