3.6.3 Simple Dimensions

Sometimes referred to as Code dimensions, Simple dimensions are a "list of values" that support neither attributes nor hierarchies. Their three key uses are:

  • Reserved for use within the analytical application engines
  • Stratifying your data for process or report filtering purposes
  • Serving as the list of values when used as attributes

The OFSAA Data Model comes with more than 150 seeded Simple dimensions. Many of these seeded Simple dimensions are also seeded with dimension members. Unlike Key Processing dimensions and Standard dimensions, Simple dimensions are stored in two tables:

  • A code table (For Example, AMRT_TYPE_CD)
  • A Multi-Language Support or MLS table (For Example, AMRT_TYPE_MLS)

Simple Dimension "Process Identifier Code" helps to improve CFE process execution performance by skipping VALIDATE_NODE_MAP_CFE package execution incase there is no change in underlying meta­data while running CFE Process everytime. There is no direct method to identify whether any change in underlying data at the node level and one need to execute VALIDATE_NODE_MAP_CFE and thats where the "Process Identifier Code" Simple Dimension takes place. This dimension should contain the list of process Ids for which there is no change in underlying node level metadata hence no need to run VALI­DATE_NODE_MAP_CFE everytime the process is run. In turn whenever CFE Engine is run; it checks the currently considered process id and checks its existence in FSI_PROCESS_IDENTIFIER_CD table; if pres­ent then ignores VALIDATE_NODE_MAP_CFE procedure run.