13.17.3 Computation of Effective Duration and Effective Convexity

Oracle ALM does not directly output effective duration and effective convexity. However, a simple manual procedure computes delta and therefore effective duration and convexity. We describe this procedure hereafter.

  1. Create a Forecast Rates Assumption Rule with 3 scenarios:

    Scenario 1: Flat Rates

    Scenario 2: Shock Up 100 bps

    Scenario 3: Shock Down 100 bps

  2. Run an Oracle ALM Deterministic Process to compute the market value for all 3 scenarios. Scenario 1: MV0 Scenario 2: MV+ Scenario 3: MV-
  3. Effective Duration can be easily computed manually (for example, in ALMBI):

    Figure 13-21 Formula to calculate the Effective Duration

    This image displays the Formula to calculate the Effective Duration.

    Description of formula to calculate the Effective Duration follows:

  4. Effective Convexity can also be easily computed manually: