10.1.2 Definitions

Neither the static spread nor the OAS can be defined directly as they are solutions of two different equations. We give hereafter a simplified version of the equations that the system solves, using the assumptions described earlier. The static spread is the value ss that solves the following equation:

Equation 1

Figure 10-1 Equation 1

This image displays the Equation 1.

Description of the Transfer Pricing Option Cost Equation 1 follows:


Table 10-1 Transfer Pricing Option Cost Equation 1

:MV market, or book, or par value of the instrument (as selected in the Transfer Pricing rule)


cash flow occurring at the end of month k along with the forward rate scenario


forward rate for month j


length (in years) of the compounding period; hard-coded to a month, such as 1/12

In the Monte Carlo Methodology, the option adjusted-spread is the value OAS that solves the following equation:

Equation 2:

Figure 10-2 Equation 2

This image displays the Equation 2.

Description of the Transfer Pricing Option Cost Equation 2 follows:


Table 10-2 Transfer Pricing Option Cost Equation

: N total number of Monte Carlo scenarios


cash flow occurring at the end of month k along scenario ω

D(k, ω,OAS)

fstochastic discount factor at the end of month k along scenario ω for a particular OAS

  • Cash Flows are calculated up till maturity even if the instrument is adjustable.


    Otherwise, the calculations would not catch the cost of caps or floors.
  • In the real calculations, the formula for the stochastic discount factor is simplified.