23.8 Element Type - Market Value

Table 23-10 Types of Market Value Financial Elements

Element Number Element Name
490 Discount Rate - IS
491 Timing of Cash Flow (in days)
492 Discount Factor
493 Discount Factor Term (Days)
494 Rate Lookup Term (Days)
495 Market Value of TP Cash Flow (P+I)
497 Market Value of TP Interest Cash Flow
710 Market Value
715 Present Value of Principal Cash Flows
716 Present Value of Interest Cash Flows
717 Present Value of TP Interest Cash Flows
720 Duration
721 DV01
725 Modified Duration
755 Discount Rate FTP
1490 Discount Rate LR
1491 Timing of Cash Flow
1710 Present Value of Cashflows - Scenarios
1715 Liquidity GAP PV of Principal Cash Flows
1716 Liquidity GAP PV of Interest Cash Flows
1717 Liquidity GAP PV of TP Interest Cash Flows
1720 Liquidity GAP Duration
1721 Liquidity GAP DV01
1725 Liquidity GAP Modified Duration