23.7 Financial Element Type – Liquidity Gap

Table 23-9 Types of Liquidity Gap Financial Elements

Element Number Element Name
1490 Discount Rate LR
1491 Timing of Cash Flow
1660 Liquidity GAP Runoff (1661 + 1663)
1661 Liquidity GAP Total Runoff
1663 Liquidity GAP Deferred Runoff
1664 Liquidity GAP Option Exercise Premium
1665 Liquidity Gap Inflation Adjustment to Principal
1669 Liquidity Gap Inflation Adjustment to Interest
1670 Liquidity GAP Runoff Term
1671 Liquidity GAP Interest Cash Flow Gross
1672 Liquidity GAP Interest Cash Flow Net
1673 Liquidity GAP Interest Cash Flow Transfer Rate
1674 Liquidity GAP Accrued Interest Gross
1675 Liquidity GAP Accrued Interest Net
1676 Liquidity GAP Accrued Interest Transfer Rate
1677 Liquidity GAP Interest Credited
1678 Liquidity GAP Runoff Gross Rate
1679 Liquidity GAP Runoff Net Rate
1680 Liquidity GAP Runoff Transfer Rate
1710 Present Value of Cashflows - Scenarios
1715 Liquidity GAP PV of Principal Cash Flows
1716 Liquidity GAP PV of Interest Cash Flows
1717 Liquidity GAP PV of TP Int Cash Flows
1720 Liquidity GAP Duration
1721 Liquidity GAP DV01
1725 Liquidity GAP Modified Duration


The following changes have been done to meet the above requirement:
  • A simple seeded dimension called “Product Interest Rate Sensitivity Category” has been introduced. The attribute of product dimension ‘Interest Rate Sensitivity Category’ has been introduced. This attribute is populated in processing (FSI_D) tables for each account so that it can be used in the data filter and conditional assumption. Using this attribute a product is identified as Interest Rate sensitive or Non-Interest Rate sensitive.
  • Interest Rate Gap Buckets now have a default Non-Rate Sensitive Bucket, along with Interest rate Sensitive Buckets.
  • In Process rule, the calculation block ‘Include Non-Rate Sensitive Bucket’ is added, which gets enabled when ‘Repricing Gap’ is selected.
  • Once a product is mapped as Non-Interest Rate Sensitive, and User have selected ‘Include Non-Rate Sensitive Bucket’ in Process rule, reprice gap output of these Products, would move into Non-Interest Rate Sensitive bucket.

    If ‘Include Non-Rate Sensitive Bucket’ is not enabled, the engine will ignore the ‘Interest Rate Sensitivity Category’ product attribute and would treat all products as Interest Rate Sensitive. Reprice Gap output would move into respective Reprice Gap buckets.