3.2.2 Adding Dimension Column To Required Objects

Dimension column can be added to the following set of customer Data Objects:

  • Tables classified as Instruments and Instrument Profitability
  • Tables classified as Transaction Profitability
  • Management Ledger table
  • Result tables of Asset Liability Management

Types of Dimension can be: Ledger Only, Instruments Only, or Both. If the dimension is classified as 'Ledger Only', the dimension column needs to be added only to Ledger Stat table.

If the dimension is classified Instruments only, the dimension column needs to be added to instruments and Transactions tables. If the dimension is classified as 'Both', the dimension column needs to be added to Ledger Stat table and other tables classified as Instruments and Transactions.

  • For adding key dimension column to tables that are classified as 'Instruments' and 'Instrument Profitability', add the column to LEAF_COLUMNS super-class table.
  • For adding key dimension column to tables that are classified as 'Transaction Profitability', add the column to TRANS_LEAF_COLUMNS super-class table.
  • For adding key dimension column to Ledger Stat table, add the column to LEDGER_LEAF_COLUMNS super-class table.


Columns of super-class tables that are linked to sub-class table are rolled down to the sub-class table during 'Model Upload' operation.

If both super-class and sub-class tables have some common columns, then the sub-class table column is retained and the column from the super-class table will be ignored.

If both sub and super entities have common columns with same properties (such as datatype, size, and so on ), then there is no issue with model upload process. If sub and super entities have the common columns with different properties, then there will issue with model upload process.

If you use Asset Liability Management, add the Dimension column directly to the following tables. Use the same column properties as the other dimension columns on the table when adding them. Add the column to the same indexes as the existing dimension columns.