Simple Dimension Tables

Simple dimensions are created to store CODE and Descriptions. These tables are used by the User Interfaces to list values in drop downs / radio buttons, and so on. For Simple dimensions, entries should also be made in REV_DESCRIPTION_TABLES for each Instrument and Transaction Table in which that new dimension will occur. The entries in REV_DESCRIPTION_TABLES are used by Data Element Filters as well as the procedures for Synchronize Instruments and Synchronize Stage.

Each simple dimension contains a set of the following tables:

  • CD table: Stores the members for a simple dimension.
  • MLS table: Stores the members' multi lingual description.

If you use simple dimensions where _CD column is VARCHAR2, you will need to classify the tables as follows:.


The CD table should be classified as

295 Codes User Defined (base tbl)
198 Codes Reserved (base tbl)

The MLS table should be classified as

296 MLS Descriptions User Defined
197 MLS Descriptions Reserved
Table structure of one of these seeded simple dimensions is given in the following section with remarks on how this can be used as the basis for modeling new simple dimensions.


Stores the ID of the members (leaf and nodes) of the dimension.

Column Name Logical Column Name Datatype NULL Column Description Remarks
DIM_CD Dimension Code NUMBER(5) NOT NULL Leaf column which stores the code for the dimension. Stores the Dimension Code.
LEAF_ONLY_FLAG Leaf or Node Flag VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Indicates if the member is leaf only or not Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
ENABLED_FLAG Enabled Flag VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Store if the item is enabled or not Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
DEFINITION_LANGUAGE Definition Language VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL Language that is used to define Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
CREATED_BY Created By VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Indicates who created this item Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
CREATION_DATE Creation Date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Indicates when was this item created Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
LAST_MODIFIED_BY Last Modified By VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Indicates who modified this item Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
LAST_MODIFIED_DATE Last Modified Date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Indicates when was this item modified Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
<DIM>_DISPLAY_CD Dimension Display Code VARCHAR2() NULL Leaf column which stores the display code for the dimension Column name and description should reflect the new dimension. Datatype and other constraints should be retained. The length of this column is customizable.


Stores the members' multi lingual description.

Column Name Logical Column Name Datatype NULL Column Description Remarks
DIM_CD Dimension Code NUMBER(5) NOT NULL Leaf column which stores the code for the dimension. Stores the Dimension Code.
LANGUAGE Language VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL Language Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
<DIM> Dimension VARCHAR2(40) NOT NULL Name of the Dimension Stores the name of the Dimension.
DESCRIPTION Description VARCHAR2(255) NULL Description of an Item Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
CREATED_BY Created By VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Indicates who created this item Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
CREATION_DATE Creation Date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Indicates when was this item created Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
LAST_MODIFIED_BY Last Modified By VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Indicates who modified this item Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
LAST_MODIFIED_DATE Last Modified Date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Indicates when was this item modified Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.