Key Dimension Tables

Each key dimension contains a set of the following tables:

  • DIM_<DIMENSION>_B: Stores leaf and node member codes within the dimension.
  • DIM_<DIMENSION>_TL: Stores names of leaf and node and their translations.
  • DIM_<DIMENSION>_ATTR: Stores attribute values for the attributes of the dimension.
  • DIM_<DIMENSION>_HIER: Stores parent-child relationship of members and nodes that are part of hierarchies.


Replace <DIMENSION> with the keyword representing the key dimension.

Seeded key dimension tables are present in 'ALM-FTP-PFT-HM-BSP – Dimensions' subject area within the ERwin model. The above tables need to be created for the new dimension. For more information on creating dimension tables in ERwin, see leaflet (Adding And Customizing Leaf.pdf).


For ease of use, user can copy an existing set of dimension tables such as for ORG_UNIT dimension and rename the tables (in both physical and logical view) to represent the new dimension.

Table structure of one of the seeded key dimension is given following with remarks on how this can be used as the basis for modeling new key dimensions.


Stores the values of the attributes of the members (leaf and nodes) of the dimension.

Column Name Logical Column Name Datatype NULL Column Description Remarks
ORG_UNIT_ID Organization Unit ID NUMBER(14) NOT NULL Leaf column which stores the id for the organization unit dimension Column name and description should reflect the new dimension. Datatype and other constraints should be retained.
ORG_UNIT_DISPLAY_CODE Organization Unit Display Code NUMBER(14) NULL Leaf column which stores the display code for the organization unit dimension Column name and description should reflect the new dimension. Datatype and other constraints should be retained.
ENABLED_FLAG Enabled Flag VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Store if the item is enabled or not Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
LEAF_ONLY_FLAG Leaf or Node Flag VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Indicates if the member is leaf only or not Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
DEFINITION_LANGUAGE Definition Language VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL Language that is used to define Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
CREATED_BY Created By VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Indicates who created this item Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
CREATION_DATE Creation Date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Indicates when was this item created Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
LAST_MODIFIED_BY Last Modified By VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Indicates who modified this item Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
LAST_MODIFIED_DATE Last Modified Date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Indicates when was this item modified Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
ORG_UNIT_CODE ORG_UNIT_CODE VARCHAR2(20) NULL This column is used by staging and contains the alpha-numeric codes for each dimension member. Staging dimension table contains unique alpha-numeric codes and a unique numeric identifier is generated while loading into ALM-FTP-PFT-HM-BSP dimension table. Column name and description should reflect the new dimension. Datatype and other constraints should be retained.


Stores the names and descriptions of the members (leaf and nodes) of the dimension in various languages.

Column Name Logical Column Name Datatype NULL Column Description Remarks
LANGUAGE Language VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL Language Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
ORG_UNIT_ID Organization Unit ID NUMBER(14) NOT NULL Leaf column which stores the id for the organization unit dimension Column name and description should reflect the new dimension. Datatype and other constraints should be retained.
ORG_UNIT_NAME Organization Unit Name VARCHAR2(150) NOT NULL Leaf column which stores the name for the organization unit dimension Column name and description should reflect the new dimension. Datatype and other constraints should be retained.
DESCRIPTION Description VARCHAR2(255) NULL Description of an Item Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
CREATED_BY Created By VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Indicates who created this item Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
CREATION_DATE Creation Date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Indicates when was this item created Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
LAST_MODIFIED_BY Last Modified By VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Indicates who modified this item Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
LAST_MODIFIED_DATE Last Modified Date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Indicates when was this item modified Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.


Stores the values of the attributes of the members (leaf and nodes) of the dimension.

Column Name Logical Column Name Datatype NULL Column Description Remarks
ORG_UNIT_ID Organization Unit ID NUMBER(14) NOT NULL Leaf column which stores the id for the organization unit dimension Column name and description should reflect the new dimension. Datatype and other constraints should be retained.
ATTRIBUTE_ID Attribute ID NUMBER(22) NOT NULL Stores attribute id number for a member of a dimension Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
DIM_ATTRIBUTE_NUMERIC_MEMBER Numeric Dimension Value NUMBER(22) NULL This field stores the number values for the attribute of a member Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
DIM_ATTRIBUTE_VARCHAR_MEMBER Varchar Dimension Value VARCHAR2(30) NULL This field stores the varchar values for the attribute of a member Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
NUMBER_ASSIGN_VALUE Numeric Value Of A Member NUMBER(22) NULL This field stores the number values for the attribute of a member Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
VARCHAR_ASSIGN_VALUE Varchar Member Value VARCHAR2(1000) NULL This field stores the varchar values for the attribute of a member Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
DATE_ASSIGN_VALUE Date Value DATE NULL Date value that is assigned Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.


Stores the parent-child relationship of various nodes and leaf within hierarchies of the dimension.

Column Name Logical Column Name Datatype NULL Column Description Remarks
HIERARCHY_ID Hierarchy ID NUMBER(10) NOT NULL Unique Id that is generated for every hierarchy that is created Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
PARENT_ID Parent ID NUMBER(14) NOT NULL Column that store the id of the child member Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
CHILD_ID Child Member ID NUMBER(14) NOT NULL Store child id number for a dimension Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
PARENT_DEPTH_NUM Parent Depth Number NUMBER(14) NOT NULL Stores parent depth number Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
CHILD_DEPTH_NUM Child Depth Number NUMBER(14) NOT NULL Stores child depth number Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
DISPLAY_ORDER_NUM Display Order Number NUMBER(14) NOT NULL Stores the display order number for the member Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
SINGLE_DEPTH_FLAG Single Depth Flag VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Indicates if the hierarchy is of single depth or not Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
CREATED_BY Created By VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Indicates who created this item Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
CREATION_DATE Creation Date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Indicates when was this item created Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
LAST_MODIFIED_BY Last Modified By VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Indicates who modified this item Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.
LAST_MODIFIED_DATE Last Modified Date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Indicates when was this item modified Internally used and hence should be retained in the same form within the new dimension table.