5.12 Cash Flow Loader

At times customers source some of their processed cash flow result data (not payment schedule) from 3rd party information providers or from internal systems. The cash flow data loader provides a way to load externally sourced cashflows into an ALM process and have these aggregate into the ALM result output tables. These external cash flows can be loaded into the Stg_Account_Cash_Flows table and merged with OFSAA generated results by executing Cash Flow Loader.

  • Data can be aggregated at Product / Organisation Unit / Currency level or given at account level. Behaviour of Cash Flow Loader is controlled by setup entries in tables SETUP_MASTER and FSI_CASH_FLOW_LOADER_SETUP.
  • ALM generates results in both base and consolidated currency. Same capability is available via Cash Flow Loader. Cash flows in both base currency and consolidated currency can be loaded. The loader does not do currency conversion and consolidation. It is expected to be done at source or during data load to staging. This is controlled by currency type column. If only base currency data is given then only RES_DTL and FSI_O_RESULT_MASTER are populated. If consolidated is given then CONS_DTL and FSI_O_CONSOLIDATED_MASTER are also populated.
  • The cash flows in stage are mapped to process and scenario which must be configured in ALM. Currently the loader supports only deterministic processes. Stochastic processes are not supported.
  • There is no filter for instrument type cd cash flow loader package. However, it validates stage supplied instrument type codes with OOB provided instrument type codes, so that only valid records get processed.
  • If irregular cashflows is used in STG_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE table (AMRT Type as 801) , then cash flows are required to be loaded from last payment date till maturity date to populate the first interest payment accurate. This same logic is followed while loading to STG_ACCOUNT_CASH_FLOW as well. STG_ACCT_CASH can have only one instrument type cd to distinguish between the CASH FLOWS loaded from different type of accounts.