5.11.4 Tables Cleanup After Truncation Of Ledger_Stat

The LEDGER_STAT procedure makes entries into certain audit tables. Whenever the user truncates/deletes the Data from LEDGER_STAT, he needs to additionally remove the auditing entries from the tables FSI_DATA_IDENTITY, FSI_M_SRC_DRIVER_QUERY and FSI_LS_MIGRATION_RESULTS. This procedure enables the user to clean up these audit tables.

Executing the clean up of Ledger_Stat Load Procedure

To run the procedure from SQL*Plus, login to SQL*Plus as the Schema Owner:

Fn_ledger_stat_cleanup(batch_run_id VARCHAR2, as_of_date VARCHAR2) SQLPLUS > declare result number; begin result:=Fn_ledger_stat_cleanup ('LEDGER_CLEANUP_BATCH1','20121212'); end; /

BATCH_RUN_ID is any string to identify the executed batch.

AS_OF_DATE in the format YYYYMMDD.

Ledger Stat Clean up Procedure

To execute Ledger Stat Clean up from OFSAAI Batch Maintenance, a seeded Batch is provided.

The following batch parameters are mentioned:

  • Datastore Type: Select the appropriate datastore from list
  • Datastore Name: Select the appropriate name from the list
  • IP address: Select the IP address from the list
  • Rule Name: Fn_ledger_stat_cleanup