5.11 Ledger Data Loader

The LEDGER_STAT load utility is an Oracle stored procedure used to load your ledger data into the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) LEDGER_STAT table.


There are three types of load tables that can be used for loading ledger data.

  • Type I (FISCAL_ONE_MONTH): Load table contains ONE_MONTH column for storing data corresponding to one of the twelve fiscal months.
  • Type II (FISCAL_RANGE): Load table contains M1 to M12 columns for storing data corresponding to twelve fiscal months.
  • Type III (CALENDAR_MONTHS): Load table contains AS_OF_DATE for storing data corresponding to an as-of-date. While Type II table contains ledger data across fiscal months in a single row, Type III contains the same information in multiple rows. Type III supports calendar dates and data can be for one or multiple dates.

ASCII Ledger data is loaded into any of the above staging or load tables using F2T component of OFSAAI framework. This component can be used for loading any flat file data into tables. For more information on how to load data using F2T, see OFSAAI User Guide.

LEDGER_STAT load utility is a PL/SQL procedure and loads data from the above staging tables into LEDGER_STAT table, based on the configuration. Runtime parameters, such as the name of the load table, which all columns to load, ADD or REPLACE update functionality, and whether or not to create offset records are passed as parameters to the procedure and these are inserted into the Load Batch table (FSI_LS_LOAD_BATCH).

The procedure is implemented as an Oracle PL/SQL stored procedure so it can be invoked from SQL*Plus or Batch execution screen within OFSAAI Batch Maintenance component. Input parameters are read from the batch/parameter table and validated for correctness, completeness and consistency before the load begins. Parameter errors are written to a Message column in the batch/parameter table and FSI_MESSAGE_LOG table. Runtime statistics are written to the batch/parameter record following completion of the load for that record.


For supporting loading LEDGER_STAT from Type III staging table, a global temporary table (GTT) is created within database. Data is moved from global temporary table into LEDGER_STAT table.