Creating View on LEDGER_STAT table

A view is created on the LEDGER_STAT table called LSL. The purpose of this view is to provide shorter column names for the load procedure. The LSL view must contain the same columns as LEDGER_STAT. Column alias for each columns within the view should match the COLUMN_ALIAS user-defined property that is set for each column of LEDGER_STAT table in the ERwin model.

For any user-defined dimensions in your LEDGER_STAT you must complete the following steps.

  • In ERwin model, look up the COLUMN_ALIAS User Defined Property (UDP) for added dimension columns within LEDGER_STAT table.
  • Specify the value of the property COLUMN_ALIAS.
  • Modify the view to include new dimension columns. Use the same COLUMN_ALIAS that was mentioned in the ERwin model in the load table view.