5.7.1 Dependencies

  • DIM_Account: DIM account will be populated using the SCDs/ FN_POPDIMACCOUNT. These 30 tasks represent to the 30 SCD processes where different product processors would be the source, and DIM_ACCOUNT would be the target. Run MAP_REF_NUMs 188 to 217. For more information, see the Populating Accounts Dimension section.
  • DIM_<XXXX>_B/TL/HIER/ATTR population: Run DT FN_DRMDATALOADER/FN_STGDIMDATALOADER to populate B/TL/HIER/ATTR tables of the key dimensions such as Product, Common_COA, GL, Org Unit, Customer, and so on.
  • DIM_Party Population: Run the SCD MAP_REF_NUM 168. Dim_PARTY loads party_skey and other customer information. STG_PARTY_MASTER is the source table for Dim_party. Dim_party join to FSI_D_<xxx> table through DIM_CUSTOMER_B The data flow as DIM_CUSTOMER_B.customer_code = dim_party.v_party_id and dim_party.f_latest_record_indicator ='Y' and dim_customer_b.customer_id = fsi_d_mortgages.customer_id.
  • Run all the Stage to Processing layer T2Ts. This will populate all the processing area tables such as, FI_D_<xxxx>.

    Example: Run T2T_ANNUITY_CONTRACTS, T2T_MORTGAGES, T2T_MM_CONTRACTS and so on. For more information, see the Stage Instrument Table Loader section.

  • Run the Processing to FSI_D_INST_SUMMARY T2Ts.

    Example: T2T_INS_SUMM_ANNUITY, T2T_INS_SUMM_BORROWINGS, T2T_INS_SUMM_CASA and so on. For more information, sStage Instrument Table Loader section.

If LRM is integrated with FTP, then perform following steps prior to run actual T2T to populate FSI_D_CUSTOMER T2T

  • Dim_Run: Dim_Run table that holds RUN_SKEY and RUN_ID. Finalize the run to pick the right RUN_SKEY mapped to FSI_LRM_ACCT_CUST_DETAILS table.
  • FSI_LRM_ACCT_CUST_DETAILS: Populate this table using the T2T
  • SETUP_PARAMETERS_MASTER: Manually update this table with finalized RUN_ID in the column Param_value column. Below table shows the default values. PARAM_VALUE should be manually updated. Finalize RUN_ID as in DIM_RUN.T2T expect PARAM_APP_ID to 'FTP' and PARAM_NAME to RUN_ID_FOR_CUSTOMER_T2T_FROM_LRM_TO_FTP. To pick the records from LRM, following row needs to be updated with finalized run_id in PARAM_VALUE. Without this step completion, no rows will be picked from LRM.

Query to find the finalized run id from DIM_RUN:

select * from dim_run r where r.f_reporting_flag ='Y'